Strongman is a discipline that focuses on the development of brute strength and is known as the "athletics of strength".

Unlike other disciplines like Weightlifting or Powerlifting, Strongman emphasizes a variety of exercises and tests that challenge strength, muscular endurance, and speed.

At RX Competition, we know the importance of having the right products for training and improvement in the Strongman discipline. That's why we have selected a wide range of products specifically designed for it. Our products will allow you to develop superior strength and muscular endurance, helping you become a more versatile and well-rounded athlete in this discipline.

In our catalog, you will find a whole equipment and accessories designed for Strongman training, such as stone lifting implements, sleds, yokes, farmer's walk bars, and more. These products will help you develop and enhance your physical capabilities in this discipline.

We hope you enjoy exploring our catalog and, above all, find the product that best suits your goals and purposes.

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